Are minors allowed at Driftwood Bar & Patio?
In the bar here at Driftwood Brewery our goal is to provide a fun and comfortable environment for all our customers to enjoy drinks and food.
From day one it was important to us that families were included in our operation, toward that end we chose to allow minors on our premises, provided a guardian was also present.
At this point, we feel it’s important to reach out to the parents and guardians who make up this important part of our community.
Our bar must be enjoyable, welcoming, and safe for all our customers. Toward that end we would like to take this opportunity to reiterate a number of guidelines under which Driftwood must operate:
Provincial health code guidelines restrict the consumption of food items not prepared on-site by our employees. Please do not bring in your own food or beverages.
Worksafe B.C. guidelines and our legal liability somewhat restrict our customers to safe levels of activity and behaviour. Please have your children seated and within a reasonable degree of supervision.
We feel it is also within reason that your children do not handle property that is not theirs. Throughout the bar and retail areas please assure your children are not touching, relocating, or otherwise misusing our property and merchandise.